Yves Roquelaure is Professor of Medicine and Occupational Health at the Angers Hospital University, France. He is head of the Team Epidemiology in Occupational Health and Ergonomics (ESTER), the tenth team of the Research Institute for Environmental and Occupational Health (IRSET).
His research topics are work-related musculoskeletal disorders with a focus on their physiological, psychosocial and organizational determinants and on prevention.
In FairHealth, Yves Roquelaure is scientific coordinator, he is working on building and following cohort 2.
◦ 2013: Head of the Health-Society Department, Angers Hospital
- Director of the Team Epidemiology in Occupational Health and Ergonomics (ESTER, IRSET)
◦ 2010: Head of the Occupational Health Unit, Angers Hospital, France
◦ 2006: Professor of Medicine and Occupational Health
◦ 2001: HDR (Ph.D. supervision) Occupational Health - Angers University
◦ 1999: Ph.D. of Ergonomy - Paris I Sorbonne
◦ 1990: Ph.D. of Medicine, Paris VI University
◦ 1984: Graduate in Medicine
Research Fields
Musculoskeletal disorders (physiological, psychosocial and organizational determinants, prevention)
See all of his publications here
Scientific Committees
◦ Board member International Commission of Occupational Health (ICOH)
- Triennum 2006-2009 & 2012-2015 Scientific committee "Musculoskeletal Disorders" of the International Commission of Occupational Health (ICOH)
- 2010-2013: Head
Grants & Awards
◦ "René Barthes" Price - International Commission of Occupational Health - (ICOH), Singapour, September 2, 2000.