Fairhealth-anr.fr is the website of the FairHealth project  funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) with the frame of the 2017 Generic Call for Proposals (Challenge 8 "Innovative, inclusive and adaptive societies). The website presents the scientific content of the project, the project team, the main news, events, as well as the research results.

Editorial information

The website owner is TSM Research (UMR CNRS 5303), a laboratory from Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, located 2 rue du doyen Gabriel Marty, 31042 Toulouse Cedex 9, France.

The person in charge of the overall editing is Caroline Manville.
She can be reached at the following email address : caroline.manville@tsm-education.fr .

Website hosting

The fairhealth-anr.fr website is hosted by OVH :

2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix

Téléphone : +33 1007

Intellectual Property

The intellectual property rights relayed to the http://www.fairhealth-anr.fr website belong  Université Toulouse 1 Capitole (UT1C) and TSM Research. Any use, reproduction, dissemination, selling or modification of all or any part of the website, without the preliminary authorisation of UT1C and TSM Research does constitute a counterfeit and results in a criminal offence. Any counterfeiter will be subject to civil and criminal prosecution according to Articles L. 335.2, L. 343.4 et L.713-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Any user of the website commits, globally, to the full respect of the French legislation which is in force.

Website accessibility

 A particular care has been taken to make the http://www.fairhealth-anr.fr as accessible as possible, particularly to those with visual impairment. The website pages are progressively adapted to fit the recommandations of the French référentiel commun des critères d'accessibilité des services Internet de l'administration française in relation to law  n°2005-102 from February, 11, 2005 for equal opportunities, participation and citizenship of disabled people.
