Epidémiologist, Professor at Toulouse III University and Toulouse University Hospital. Director of the team « Inequalities in health, cancer and chronic diseases» from Unit 1027 INSERM -Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse 3. Directorr of the « Institut Fédératif d'Etudes et de Recherches Interdisciplinaires Santé Société » (IFERISS). Member of the High Council for Public Health (HCSP), chairman of the working group on Inequalities in Health (Report published in 2010). Responsible of the Research Master Clinical Epidemiology
His publications list is available into a PDF file.
External services
◦ Member of Haut Conseil de la santé publique (HCSP)
◦ President of the working group on social inequalities in health (report published in 2010)
◦ Former member of Scientific Reference Group of the Equity Action (European joint action)
◦ 2001-2008 : President of the epidemiological monitoring committee of the health consequences of the AZF explosion.