Dr Annie Sobaszek is Professor of Medicine and Occupational Health. Since 2014, she is head of the public health and clinical pharmacology department at the University hospital of Lille. She is a member of EA 4483 "IMPact de l’Environnement Chimique sur la Santé humaine" (IMPECS). Her current activity and research interests include organizational work factors effect on mental health among hospital workers.

In FairHealth, Annie Sobaszek is a scientific coordinator. She is in charge of the building and the follow-up of cohort 1 at Lille University Hospital.



◦ 2000-present: Head of the Occupational medicine unit (University hospital of Lille, France)

◦ 2014-present: Head of the public health and clinical pharmacology department (University hospital of Lille, France)

◦ 2011-present: Executive board Member (University hospital of Lille, France)

◦ 2007-2010: Administrative board Member (University hospital of Lille, France)


◦ 2001-present: Professor of Medicine and Occupational Health (Professeur des Universités, Praticien Hospitalier - PU/PH). Lille II University. University Hospital of Lille, France. 

◦ 2000: HDR (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches - Ph.D. supervision). Lille II University, France.

◦ 1989: MD. Lille II University, France.


◦ 2006-2015: CHU_CNRACL Network: psychological and organisational factors at work

◦ 2011-2012: HAS – Certification: Expert of the working group « Qualité de Vie au Travail » 

◦ 2011-present: Ministry of Labor, Solidarity and Civil Service  - advisory board of working conditions: Occupational diseases commission,

◦ 2014-present: DGOS: qualified member of the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Commission (CHSCT)